Is Nutritional Therapy right for You?
– a few reasons people work with me
Scientifically-informed strategies to *SAFELY* Transition into Healthier Eating
Perhaps you’ve been issued a new diagnosis by your Physician or Dietitian- & want additional directive on how to implement requested changes using a holistic framework.
Note: For people with underlying metabolic disorders & other conditions like Anemia, PCOS, High Cholesterol, Diabetes/Insulin Resistance, etc. -switching dietary modes require informed strategy as misaligned changes can in some instances worsen & create detrimental outcomes if not managed properly.
“WFPB”? “Raw”? “Fruitarian”? “Pescatarian”? “Alkaline”? “Intermittent Fasting”? etc. – Determine which approach is RIGHT FOR YOU. Or perhaps you’ve already started your journey & some things still don’t “click”- unresolved digestive issues, nutrient deficiencies, stubborn weight gain, struggling to get enough calories. Work with a specialist to tackle issues specific to Plant-based Lifestlyes (such as puzzling increased cholesterol levels, B12 deficiency, hair loss, Sibo).
A big part of why I opted to pursue a formal education in Nutrition, was my 1st hand experience of diminishing health when transitioning into what I initially thought was a “Healthier Lifestyle”- I went vegan & my blemish-free skin became riddled with hormonal acne!, mysterious stubborn weight loss!, & blood sugar issues which I never had prior?? I needed answers & resolve!
Functional Lab Testing
(upon request)
Aside from the non-invasive holistic evaluative tools used to assess the function of your organ systems & detect nutrient deficiencies. Work with me for more individualized comprehensive lab tests (blood & stool testing from the convenience of your home) ** Please contact me for the extensive overview of labs offered
Ever notice when you finally decide to embark on that wholesome foods journey, suddenly the food goes
…** WEIRD??
Ingredients you can’t pronounce or find in your neighborhood ::
Smoothie bowls, Protein shakes, & Salads that
Great in theory… but we know these AREN’T flavors & dishes you truly wanna re-visit.
Perhaps you struggle on what to prepare, or even get tripped up into to thinking you”ve forgotten how to cook?!
Thennn… you’re back to Square-1
[often it’s a “Comfort Food Detour” to binge on our favorite junk]
Craving a more PERSONALIZED Real Foods Protocol?
Explore how Nutritional Therapy can help address your Health Concerns on a Bio-Individualized level for sustained energy & long-lasting results.

As a Board Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (BCHN-NTP), I’ve created this platform & provide FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION CONSULTING to hone in on the missing elements on our plates–by embracing one’s own food traditions, integrating healthful new foods & bringing them all into sustainable harmony— creating a graceful path toward OUR COLLARDREAMS ~
What’s Nutritional Therapy ?
(*click here* find out more)
Who it’s perfect for
Nutritional Therapy is perfect for individuals that want to explore options beyond conventional healthcare routes, desire to deepen self-care practices. Others want to utilize a holistic approach rooted in scientific-based research that celebrates traditional heritage, reflects a sensitivity & cultural-competence often lacking in mainstream healthcare settings. Exploring these time-tested approaches toward wellness are suitable if you’re seeking ways to rebalance your gut, want to explore more Whole-foods approaches to improve energy levels & manage weight, curious about how to safely do vegan/plant-based lifestyles, need assistance implementing a protocol prescribed by your physician, soothe your body’s systems before/during/after intensive pharmaceutical protocols, you’d like to try a hand at exploring your options before resorting to “The Big Cut” [surgery], wondering if there may be gentler alternatives to prescriptive meds, or wondering if professional-grade holistic supplements could serve as a useful integration to your wellness journey.
~ Some ways we may work together (specializations) ~ :
- Culturally Sensitive approach to Whole, Real Foods methods
- Vegan + Plant-based sustainable lifestyles [non-restrictive]
- Digestive Health & Improved Function
- Blood Sugar :: Diabetes Mitigation
- Hypertension & Cholesterol
- Hormonal Balance
- Autoimmune Disorders :: Food Sensitivities :: Gluten-Free
- Navigating a New Diagnosis & Healing from Chronic Illness
- Guidance devising or implementing a new dietary plan
- Carb-friendly Weight Management
- Soothe Inflammation
- Intuitive Eating & Behavioral Modification
- Harm Reduction & Relapse Prevention
- Stubborn Weight Loss [“non-diet” approaches]
- Sugar Detox
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