Chickpeas & Collardreams is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practice & Hub that emphasizes Real Foods [which includes Plant-based/Vegan & Omnivorous preferences]. The aim is “meeting people where they’re at” toward helping to dispel cycles of generational un-wellness. I enthusiastically welcome you to this site, which now gains you access to an array of  “Gems” in Gastric Traditional Wisdom to aide you along your Real Foods Journey. So stay tuned (more Blogs & Services to come)!  It is with gratitude that I am able to provide a space to our expanding community of Wellness Seekers (aka ~ CollarDreamers ~)

online consulting worldwide

Greetings Collardreamers!

Feriel Amaana BCHN,NTP

My Professional Bio:

Born & raised in California, I reside in the San Francisco-Bay Area. Along with being a Nutri-therapy Practitioner in the expanding field of  Traditionally-informed, Holistic Wellness;  I’ve sat for the National Board Exam & obtained the active status of Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition (BCHN-Candidate) granted by the Holistic Nutrition Credentialing Board (HNCB). I’ve served in a range of roles to include, clinical support  for Dietetic Health-Nutritional Services & as Course Mentor for the Nutritional Therapy Association, WA, U.S.A.– lending support & professional guidance to the next round of  Nutritional Therapy Practitioners.

I embrace that my story comes with a lot of layers & has led me into forming a unique “niche” within the field of Nutritional Therapy which merges *Culture, Food Justice & Holistic Wellness* —  it includes my extensive background in Social Reform, Higher Education, Crisis Mediation & Outreach Counseling, Functional Nutrition Studies and an ongoing obsession with Identity, Diaspora & Intersectional discourse! The aim is to expand inclusivity and honor the uniqueness of us all by celebrating it in Wellness & Healthcare settings, where it often gets devalued, contorted & overlooked. 

my services

How We Work Together

                   I’ve developed this platform to address the growing need for                             Diversified Representation & Accessibility in the realm of Holistic Nutrition. As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), I offer Guidance & Bio-Individualized  Nutritive Support Services to those seeking Realistic & Culturally Relevant strategies for transitioning into Real WHOLE Foods &  Plant-based/Vegan Lifestyles– in order to ignite energy, unlock intuitive wisdom & end cycles of generational un-wellness so they can bloom into a full authenticity & thrive sustainably.  It’s time we gain confidence in reclaiming our inherited food wisdom.  One de-colonized meal at a time!

1:1 Private Consultations

Experience the benefits of Deep Diving  to uncover your unique barriers in acquiring optimal health. 

Ready to embark on your implementing Real Foods for good? Amped about going Vegan or Plant-based for the long run? Make sure those bases are covered. Or perhaps managing Stubborn Weight Loss, Digestive Discomfort & Symptoms brought on by Diabetes, Hypertension, Inflammation & other Autoimmune Disorders. Maybe you’d like to try a more Bio-Individual approach toward optimal Gastric Wellness.

We’ll work together to identify your personal goals & to delve deeper towards long term success.  

Group Classes

Whether it’s a Sugar Detox, Transition into Real Foods, or Healing your Relationship to Food, Interrupting Patterns that no longer serve you & Developing Healthier Habits. These classes are designed to tackle it all in a affordable & friendly group setting. 

Book a Free Consultation

Find out more about the ways that Nutritional Therapy may help bring YOUR Collardreams* into fruition.


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