Privacy Notice:
Complimentary to all services, the portals used for Phone Exchange , Online 1:1 Meetings/Group Courses, & software for Intake Forms & Appointment Booking are all supported by HIPAA-compliant Privacy platforms for your safety & confidentiality.
What to expect with these 1:1 Private Package Offerings
With these 1:1 packages you’ll be able to experience 1st hand,
the benefits of having your own Private Board Certified Holistic Nutrition Specialist to
assist in designing a dietary protocol customized with consideration to YOUR health history, current status, & bio-unique needs —
YOUR specific goals in mind. Take the guess-work out of what direction to go—
in working with me you you can choose from a range of tools (examples of support offered)
Identify & address Nutrient Deficiencies
Specialized lab tests [optional -addtl. fees vary]
Managing healthy Weight Loss/Weight Gain
Pantry cleaning guidance
Strategize to meet tailored Macronutrient goals
Learn how to effectively self-manage a New Diagnosis or Metabolic disorders like:
Insulin Resistance/Diabetes, Anemia, Hormone Imbalance/PCOS
And Yes!- ALL can be done on a Plant-based or fully Vegan dietary approach!
With my services you can expect to get yourself on the path toward sustainable health.
NOTE: There will be times when I may feel that my area of expertise & services do not align with someone’s personal goals. In these cases, I will try to provide alternate suggestions or referrals when possible. Rather than trying to “push sales”, I remain transparent about my services & genuine in assessing whether I truly believe the services offered align well with your personal goals. I respect our time & commitment together.
To help optimize our time together, I’ve provided a brief questionnaire to be filled-out when you reserve your slot below. It’ll help provide me a realistic/practical assessment on how I may assist you.

“6-week Savings”
Nutritional Therapy Package
[Private 1:1]
!! 2024 offer for LOWER INCOME Individuals! (limited slots available)
The intent of this offer is to extend services to those who might not otherwise have the opportunity ot experience Nutritional Therapy The intent of this offering is to extend services to those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience Nutritional Therapy. It’s true that Privatized Nutrition Consulting is considered an “optional”or “luxury” service — typically available to those with expendable income that can afford to get the most optimized care.
Package includes a deep-dive Initial Consultation Interview Session [60-minute ], 1 Strategy Session [45-minute] with 4 additional Follow-up Sessions [ 30-minutes]. Food & Mood Journal Evaluations are included in this package to provide review of your progress & make adjustments at you go.

3-month Nutritional Therapy Standard Package
[1:1 Private]
!! 2024 KICK-OFF SALE !!
Reserve your package now & get over 30% off on a 3-month Package- normally priced at $1800 (limited slots available)
Offering will provide WEEKLY not bi-weekly sessions for optimal support. [ for a total of 12 weeks]
Across the board, it has been found that while it takes 21 days to form a new habit. However, a 3-month minimum of honing in on Nutritional Therapy frameworks is where clients see the greatest results in a sustainable implementation. Give yourself time to get acclimated to the changes & protocols provided to you via a *customized* Comprehensive Holistic Evaluation/Nutritional Analysis. Come with all your questions & utilize me as guiding hand to help you address your particular road-blocks as they arise. We’ll make realistic adjustments along the way & help you acquire the skills necessary for sustained practice on your own.
It includes a deep-dive Initial Consultation Interview Session [60-minute ], One Strategy Session [45-minute] with 10 additional Follow-up Sessions [ 30-minutes]. Food & Mood Journal Evaluations are included in this package to provide review of your progress & make adjustments at you go.
All Nutritional Therapy
1:1 Private Packages include:
Session Options: Secure Online Video chat, Secure phone, In-person (when possible)
~ Initial Interview Form
This form provides a bird’s-eye overview outlining Your Vision of Wellness Goals you’d like us to collaborate on, Your Health History & Current status, Lifestyle & Environmental Factors (stressors, toxins, activity level, etc)
~ Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ)
This Comprehensive Symptom Assessment provides 320-questions of holistic analytical-design for lending insight into your body’s physiological functioning as it influences your collective health ( including “The Foundations”- hydration, digestion, blood sugar handling, endocrine & other organ systems, etc.). The NAQ will help us locate indicators of nutrient deficiencies, other imbalances & outline areas needing additional support to bring your system back into optimal alignment.
~ Food, Mood, and Lifestyle Analysis
Part of your evaluation process entails a log of your Food & Mood Journal over the expanse of 4 consecutive days. Your full transparency & detailed logging is key to help to develop a dietary strategy uniquely tailored to your lifestyle & physiological needs. Assessments include: eating schedule/meal timing, impact on energy levels, digestive & mood reactions to foods, nutrient intake & food combining practices that may help or disrupting your metabolic processes. We can learn a lot about the areas that can benefit from additional support by assessing dietary patterns & your bodily/emotive responses to your current dietary practices.
~ Comprehensive Session: “Integrated Nutri-Therapy Strategy”
In this session we’ll review the findings of the collective data you’ve provided regarding your health history/lifestyle, as well as signifiers of what underlying imbalances need to be addressed according to your NAQ analytics results. The aim is to establish an integrated strategy to meet your personal goals & target the primary dietary-related systems that indicate need for additional support [from a holistic standpoint this not only includes the digestive organs, but also sleep, stress & environmental factors, et
Special Note: There are no short-cuts to sustainable health. Consider the amount of YEARS of health-diminishing habits it took to get you in your current health-state. While it takes 21 days to form a a new habit, across the board it’s been found that 3-6 months minimum honing in on a Nutritional Therapy protocol is where clients see the greatest results in *SUSTAINABLE CHANGE* — This sole offering was a mindful decision on my end: to commit to cliets who in turn are ready to commit to themselves. Anything less than 3 months would be a a short-change (there simply wouldn’t be enough time to provide support in a life-changing health transition). A 3-month package allows us to work together more intensively to help you make forward, focused progress toward your health goals. Depending on one’s needs, I’m happy to continue working with clients beyond the 3-month mark as personal modifications & goals arise. My professional aim is to empower clients to empower themselves– rather than set up a cyclic system of dependence.
Clients shall be equipped with skills of Intuitive Eating to be able to make self-informed decisions along their sustainable dietary journey.

A Special Note ::
Make it happen, SAVE your Coin!
Invest in YOU 2024**: When you are considering how to fund Nutritional Therapy Services– if feelings of anxiousness or questions of affordability arise… with positive resolve, I’ve told prior clients to try doing a full inventory check of the “EXCESS spending” that takes place in your life.
Step #1: What are the areas that you spend in excess, yet see no notable ‘return’ on the money spent? What I say next comes from a place of non-judgement & Personal Experience. Imagine: Daily lattes– $6 at 5 times a week = $120 monthly (& that’s only coffee!) , How quickly can you rack up a bill for a night of cocktails with friends? How much excess cannabis do some expend beyond basic *therapeutic* needs? Just smokin’ to smoke. For those using herb to “bring appetite”– perhaps you’re ready to explore the underlying reasons for why you lack appetite to begin with. To those that rely on cigarettes/coffee/alcohol as a hunger suppressant for weight management. Perhaps you’d like to explore nutrient-rich ways of achieving your desired results without putting yourself in a state of restriction & depletion.
Now envision how utilizing Real Foods as therapy will be less costly than those dependencies in the long run. My services & classes have been designed with all the above in mind — managing cyclic behaviors, ending “generational un-wellness”, misuse of substances, excess & depletion…if you’re ready to get off the rollercoaster & find gentler solutions to achieving states of Natural Highs— get in touch & let’s explore how Nutritional Therapy can be customized to suit You.
That said— Give me your fast food, latte, liquor n’ weed money!! [respectfully]. What I actually mean is — prepare to re-evaluate, tap into the changes YOU truly want, then take the plunge & INVEST IN YOURSELF. Let’s make it happen! — It’s easier than you think. As you view listed services, begin to translate the “fees” into gestures of Self Investment — a means to acquiring support & skill sets to deepen your Self Care Practices. Again– my interest is never to push sales but to provide support in our communities to those folks that can benefit from & WANT it.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk [wink*].